

时间:2023-02-01 19:45:24 教学设计 我要投稿
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  这是选自Go for it九年级Unit4 Reading What would I do if …?的一节阅读课,本堂课的教学内容围绕学生生活中可能碰到的accidents or problems,要求学生运用已知的生活经验处理这些临时发生的紧急事故。上课老师精心设计了整堂课,注重了整体篇章感,又结合了学生校园生活实际,在一节课中处处有亮点,但反复仔细观看了该老师的课堂视频后,笔者实在感到可惜,教学过程如下:(注:以下片段是在课堂热身活动之后的教学环节,括号里的是笔者给出的正确表达)

  Step 2 Lead-in

  T: (show some pictures to tell what are problems and what are accidents) What’s the matter with her?

  S: …(观图和思考中)

  T: He(She) fall(fell) downstairs.

  S: (学生点头示意)

  T: (Point at another picture and say) He spend(s) too much time in Internet bars. (快速提问)Can you tell me what other accidents?(1)

  S: We sometimes cut our fingers……

  S: We … .

  T: What is the biggest problems a teenager has? (2)What about you?

  S: I think I play computer too much.

  T: Can you help him? What would he do if he play(ed) computer too much?

  S1-3: I think he should read more study book(s); he should join English Club; he should concentrate more on study.

  T: So everyone have(has) some problems and sometimes you will have (an) accidents.

  分析:下划线的两个句子是中文思维模式的直译,第一句去掉what就是了,第二句应该为:what biggest problem(s) does a teenager have?或者改为 What is the biggest problem that teenagers have?从这段描述中,我们不难看出老师的习惯性的口误已经影响到了学生的口语表达的准确性了,波浪线字体的单词的错误非常明显,而下划线句子的错误显得有些不可原谅。



  1. 加强自身学习。在每天作业批改时,可以使用MP4听读一些原汁原味的英语以保持学习的状态,根据《浙江省初中英语学科教学建议(试行)》,教师应该将当天的授课内容先自己听读一次,我想上课的老师应该课前没有做过这个环节,否则一定不会出现这样的口误:What would he do if he play computer too much? 这可是文中的类似句子呢!

  2. 仔细备好课堂用语,包括常用的组织课堂的英语和相关的授课内容。类似于以上案例描述的这个环节,笔者认为值得我们老师在备课本上把每句话写出来,这是改善课堂现状最快速的方法,而且长此以往还能提高老师的口语能力。


  《新目标英语》及《教师参考用书》对于本节阅读课的阅读策略简单的描述为:Using what you know. 在上课老师讲述好自己的备课时的教学目标时,简单地说教会学生使用已知英语和生活经验运用英语来解决相关问题。阅读课的阅读策略就是教学目标吗?该堂课的教学目标只有阅读策略吗?包含三维目标了?课堂活动设计围绕了什么样的目标?带着这么多问题,笔者在下面的教学片段里思索着……。


  Step 3 Read and discuss

  T: How can you deal with accidents and problems better? We can use what? Today we are going to read a book. What kind of book it is?

  S1: Medical book.

  S2: A first aid book

  T: You read it quickly and find the answers to the questions.(就文本内容提了6个问题,在学生回答问题后,师生继续共同探讨)

  T: What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?

  S1-3: Put my finger under running water./ Cover it with a cloth./…

  T: (Start a discussion) If you were at home ,your brother fall downstairs, what would you do?( Give ss two minutes to discuss) (在学生表达吃力时)You can say it in Chinese.

  S1-2: I think I should send him to the hospital./ I think I should call my parents first.

  T: I think speed is the most important.


  T: Read the problems and match the solutions.

  1. Friends offer you a cigarettes A. Drink more water

  2. Children eat medicine as candies B. learn to say NO

  3. An Internet friend ask you to meet C. Ask friends to go with

  4.Get pimples D. Ask doctors for help





  怎样的教学目标定位与表述才是最科学、最切合实际、最符合学生的发展呢?请看《新目标英语》8Aunit5Can you come to my party? 的课时目标表述,也许我们能有些收获。

  1. The main task (Outcome)

  The students will be able to write a party invitation and be able to reply.

  2. Language Focus

  The students will be able to use the following words and patterns properly in their reply to an invitation:

  I’d love to, but I can’t.

  … have to …

  3. Language Skills

  The students will be able to find the key information (who, where, when, what, etc.) about a party written in an invitation.

  4. Learning Strategies

  (1) The students will be able to guess and reason the presumption by the information collected from the reading of the invitation.

  (2) The students will be able to plan a party in groups and write an invitation of the party.

  5. Affection

  The students will be able to focus their attention on the classroom instruction and performance.

  6. Culture

  (1) The students will be able to understand what party is.

  (2) The students will be able to reply to an invitation in a proper way.

  (3) The students will be aware of the word choices used among good friends.


  看起来她的教学目标太多,但实际上是一个很具体、很生活化的事:The students will be able to write a party invitation and be able to reply。其余的五项目标都是围绕这个任务。一节课完成一件事,通过这件事的完成,达到知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的三维目标。



  这段教学片段选自《新目标英语》7A Unit9 Do you want to go to a movie?教学片段如下:

  Step 1 Revision and lead-in

  T: tomorrow is Sunday. I want to do something. Do you want to play basketball with me? (ppt. shows the picture and “basketball”)

  S: No.

  T: Sorry. Girls may like to go shopping. Do you like to go shopping with me?

  S: Yes, I do.

  T: (ppt. shows cinema) Do you want to go to a movie?

  S: Yes.

  T: There are lots of posters in the cinema. Look, there are four posters.(ppt. shows four posters ) Do you like A or B? Which one do you like?

  S: I like A.

  T: A is a kind of comedy(ppt. shows the word “comedy”)

  老师接下来用同样的方法呈现了thriller/ action movie/ documentary以及romance/science fiction/ disaster film等等扩展性词汇。

  T: (teacher turns to the class and asks)Do you want to go to a movie with me ?

  S1: Yes, I do.(with the help of ppt. S1 can say) I want to see an action movie.

  T: (teacher turns to another s, at the same time,ppt. shows the same sentence as teacher says ) Does she want to go to a movie with me?

  S2: Yes, he does. He wants to go to an action movie.

  T: …







  1. 省教研室2010年《浙江省初中英语学科教学建议(试行)》http://raenglish.cersp.net/

  2. 《英语教学目标的有效性》夏谷鸣http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5663ab450100acqd.html










